Flora Database
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Plant Name:
Bunchberry Dogwood
Scientific Name:
Cornus canadensis
Bunchberry Dogwood is a native perennial groundcover plant with small, white flower clusters and distinctive red berries. Its leaves are whorled, giving it a unique appearance.
Moist, shady forests, woodland areas
Bunchberry Dogwood provides habitat and food for a variety of wildlife species, including birds and small mammals. Its berries are consumed by birds and mammals, and the plant's dense growth provides cover and nesting sites for birds.
Growing Conditions:
Bunchberry Dogwood prefers moist, well-drained soils and shady conditions. It can tolerate acidic soil.
Bunchberry Dogwood is often used as a groundcover in shade gardens and naturalized woodland areas. It is also known for its ornamental value.
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Fun Facts:
Bunchberry Dogwood is sometimes referred to as "Canadian Dwarf Cornel" or "Puddingberry".
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Photo Credit
Gillfoto from Juneau, Alaska, United States
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