Flora Database
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Plant Name:
Common Selfheal
Scientific Name:
Prunella vulgaris
Common Selfheal is a perennial herb with square stems and clusters of small, tubular purple flowers.
Meadows, lawns, open areas
Common Selfheal attracts a variety of pollinators, including bees and butterflies. The plant also provides food for herbivorous insects and serves as a host for certain moth species.
Growing Conditions:
Common Selfheal can grow in a wide range of soil conditions and tolerates sun to partial shade.
Common Selfheal has been used medicinally for its astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been used to treat various ailments, including wounds, sore throat, and digestive issues.
(please exercise caution and consult additional sources or experts before consuming any vegetation):
Leaves and flowers can be eaten raw or used in cooking
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Fun Facts:
Common Selfheal is also known as "Heal-All" or "All-Heal".
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